ANn M. evans - 2013 (covell)

Evans came to Davis in 1968 as a UCD freshman.  Her activities:

—Davis Food Co-op:  a leading founder (1972) and active supporter 

—Davis Farmers’ Market: a founder (1975), Board 2005-08 (Chair 06-08); 

—California Cooperative Federation:  helped organize, then supported 

—Davis Farm to School Connect, & School Facility Task Force boards

—Slow Food Yolo: co-founder, co-chair 2004-13, initiated Village Feast

—Davis Cemetery Dist. Bd (2004-08): led efforts to re-design cemetery

The above accomplishments are why she was selected, but during her eight years on the Davis City Council (1982-90, mayor 1984-86), she made these contributions:  

—Co-founded Davis Community Housing Corp

—Created the Davis Redevelopment Agency that included

—building the Davis Farmer’s Market structure, Holiday Cinemas at F St and ~2,000 units affordable housing

—preserving the old library (Hattie Weber Museum), Hunt Boyer Mansion, Varsity Cinema

—Led the efforts to equalize pay for women on city staff, brought an end to various forms of discrimination   

—Preserved the requirement that every neighborhood shopping center was required to have a grocery store 

—Led the fight up to Supreme Court defending local zoning requirement that cinemas could only be downtown 

—Created Davis Rural Land Trust (now w/Yolo Land Trust) and first city positions for open space and econ development.

In 2012 she received the UCD Award of Distinction, Outstanding Alum for contributing agriculture, farming and food issues.


Presented at Chamber Dinner Jan 25, 2014, Freeborn Hall