ray & verena borton - 2005 (covell)

The Bortons have given their all to Davis in a wonderful variety of ways:

—International House: 

—Set up huge photo exhibit on short notice requiring three venues in Davis and Sacramento

—Art Exhibit Com:  Chair

—Int’l Film Series 

—UNA Davis Chapter:  

—UN Day:  has special program each year at I-House

—DHS Model United Nation:

—National High School Essay Contest on the UN: Verena has always organized it in Davis

—UNA Film Festival in 2005:  Verena organized it

—UNICEF Trick-or-Treat: chair

—Davis Art Center:  involved for many years on the board, Verena as teacher, both as volunteers

—Chris Borton Memorial Scholarships:  have supported 22 students since the death of their son.


Awards presented at the Chamber Dinner Jan 21, 2006, Vets Memorial