ruth asmundson - 1989 (covell)

Asmundson has been deeply involved in:

—International House:  VP Management, Speakers’ Bureau, Philippine Conference

—Schools PTAs: President of Valley Oak, Emerson, Co-President DHS, volunteer at various levels of her four children’s schools, Supt. Parent Advisory Committee, Emerson Principal Advisory Committee

—University Farm Circle:  president, very involved before that, chaired the Scholarship Committee

—Davis School Arts Foundation: President

—St. James Church:  Lector-Commentator Coordinator

—Friends of DHS Music and DHS Sophomore Parent Support Group, chairs of both

—AAUW International Relations Committee:  Chair

—Political campaigns:  Co-chair for 1987 Measure K-2, community library bond Measure B, & re-electing two to School Board.


Awards presented at the Chamber Dinner January 1990, UCD Faculty Club